ANDEROL 2100 HTCL 安润龙高温链条润滑油
粘度100/150/220/320/460ANDEROL 2100 HTCL is an ISO 100 synthetic ester based chain lubricant specifically designed to provide longterm lubrication even under severe heavy duty and extreme ambient conditions. Anderol 2100 HTCL prevents wear, noise, sticking by means of: Film reformation between loadings, removal of frictional heat, flushing of wear debris, excellent corrosion and rust protection. The HTCL range is available in the grades ISO VG 100 , 150 , 220 , 320 and 460.
ANDEROL 2100 HTCL是ISO 100合成酯基链条润滑剂,专为提供超高负载和极端环境下自动输送系统和高温链条的长期润滑。ANDEROL 2100 HTCL能有效防止磨损和噪音,超重载荷下也能保持优秀的通过性能,去除摩擦热,冲洗磨损碎片,2100HTCL更具有优良的防锈防腐保护,给恶劣环境下运作的输送系统带来优秀的防腐保护。