嘉实多重负荷防冻液Castrol Radicool NF Antifreeze coolant,适用于各种重负荷以及轻负荷发动机,尤其是卡特彼勒C280等大型船舶和海洋工作平台的柴油发电机组以及各种重特大型矿山机械的冬季防冻以及夏季防沸腾。(详情请访问:www.shell.cc/shell/fdy
Radicool NF
Antifreeze coolant
Castrol Radicool NF is an antifreeze concentrate formulated using monoethylene glycol and selected additives, free
from nitrite, amine and phosphate inhibitors. It uses hybrid technology for the modern performance engines of cars and
This coolant should be used at concentrations of between 33 % and 50% dilution with purified water to give optimum
corrosion protection and freezing protection between -18°C and -36 °C.
Castrol Radicool NF has been developed to meet the growing demand from engine and vehicle manufacturers for a
higher performance coolant that minimises environmental impact. It provides excellent protection against corrosion, and
because it contains no phosphate, the problems of deposits in some modern performance engines are eliminated. In
addition to providing excellent corrosion and low temperature protection, the use of the recommended level of anti-freeze
will significantly reduce the likelihood of wet cylinder liner pitting due to " cavitation erosion". Cavitation erosion is caused
by the implosion of air bubbles present in the coolant, which are attracted to the liner outer surface. These bubbles
implode, resulting in the removal of minute amounts of liner material - this, if allowed to continue unchecked, will result
in liner porosity and severe engine damage.
Protects for up to 3 years
Excellent low temperature protection
Provides excellent protection against corrosion
Efficient lubrication of water pumps
Compatible with conventional seal and hose materials used in engine cooling systems
Contains bittering agent.
Has many OEM approvals
Also recommended against the following specifications
BMW N 600 6910
Opel/Vauxhall B040 0240
Volvo 1286083 Issue 002
Jenbacher TA-NR1000- 0201
In the majority of cases, coolants are not compatible and should not be mixed with other coolants unless directed by
the equipment manufacturer. If using Castrol Radicool NF for the first time, ensure that the cooling system has been
adequately flushed with clean water.
Storage Castrol Radicool NF has a shelf life of 2 years when stored in air tight containers at a maximum tempertaure of 30°C. In warm
climates containers should not be stored outside in direct sunlight. It can be stored in miid steel lacquer lined containers. Galvanised
containers and handling equipment should not be used.
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Typical Characteristics
Name Method Units Castrol Radicool NF
Density @ 20C, Relative IP 160 g/ml 1.122
Water ASTM D1123 % wt 3.5 max
Boiling Point of Engine Coolants ASTM D1120 °C 174
Reserve Alkalinity ASTM D1121 ml 0.1N HCl 15
Appearance Visual - blue/green
pH, Engine Coolants / Antirusts ASTM D1287 - 7.3
Product Performance Claims
D3306, D4985
BS - BS6580:2010
MAN 324 Typ NF
MB-Approval 325.0
MTU MTL 5048
VW TL-774C (G11)
BMW approval for all models