Shell Tellus DO 10 优质无锌抗磨液压油 应用 工业液压系统 注塑机 电控液压 设备 移动设备 主轴箱和液压控制 自动车床(合成的或半合成的水的延展金属 用于工作流体) 建议:在低启动和高服务遇到的温度使用壳牌得力士 TD 46 . 强大的清洁性能 防止故障的液压系统粘性残留物引起的残留。非常精细地分散的污垢并保持在悬浮液中,即使当油被污染的合成金属加工液。 有效的防腐性能 积极有效的防腐蚀添加剂保护液压系统免受腐蚀。 抗乳化性能 收集的水润滑系统,由于冷凝或污染,水溶性切削液,乳化提供进一步的保护。 增强的抗摩擦性能 极性添加剂,可防止粘滑现象发生现代密封材料中使用的液压系统。 优异的抗磨损和负载承载性能 液压和优异的性能齿轮系统,特别是在高负载下和低速边界润滑由高布鲁格所示的条件 加载值DIN 51347-2。 优秀的过滤 在现代液压的系统中使用的非常精细的过滤器已成为标准的做法。壳牌得力士 油DO提供最先进的过滤成绩范围内的洗涤剂液压机液体。 优异的机械和抗氧化稳定性 在液压系统中下操作严重的热应力,油的天然特殊添加剂提高耐老化 低发泡倾向 没有过多的空气迅速释放, 减少对环境的影响 无锌技术的使用有助于降低环境的负面影响。 密封材料及涂料兼容性 壳牌得力士DO兼容所有 通常规定的密封材料和涂料用矿物油。 保护环境 如需处理使用过的油品,请送至当局指定的回收点,不可将其排入下水道、土壤或水中。 壳牌得力士DO 检测方法 DO 10 ISO 粘度等级 ISO 3448 10 ISO 液压油类型 HM 运动粘度@-20°CcSt ASTM D 445 10 运动粘度@40°CcSt ASTM D 445 - 运动粘度@100°CcSt ASTM D 445 2.4 粘性指数 ISO 2909 - 密度@15°Ckg/l ISO 12185 0.844 闪点 (COC)°C ISO 2592 147 倾点°C ISO 3016 -60 壳牌得力士DO系列液压油(Shell Tellus DO) 详细说明 Typical Physical Characteristics Shell Tellus DO 10 DO 22 DO 32 DO 46 DO 68 ISO Viscosity Grade 10 22 32 46 68 Fluid Type (ISO Designation) L-HM L-HM L-HM Kinematic Viscosity Kinematic Viscosity 2,4 4,3 5,6 7,0 8.9 (ASTM D445) Viscosity Index 99 108 107 103 Density @ 15°C kg/m3 844 868 872 877 883 (ISO 12185) Flash Point , °C 147 189 210 223 228 Flash Point , °C 147 189 210 223 228 Pour Point °C -60 -27 -24 -24 -21 Steel Corrosion 24 hours at 60°C No rust No rust No rust No rust No rust Copper Corrosion 1b 1a 1a 1a 1a Air Release min. < 0,5 1,4 4,4 5,6 13,2 Foam ml 40/0-20/0- 0/0-20/0-60/0 0/0-20/0-0/0 0/0-40/0-0/0 0/0-50/0-0/0 Demulsibility @ 54°C after 30 mins 0-0-80 0-0-80 0-0-80 0-0-80 0-0-80 Brugger Test N/mm2 Shell Tellus S2 MA
壳牌Shell Tellus DO 10
@ 40°C 10 22 32 46 68
(ASTM D445)
@ 100°C mm2/s
(ISO 2909)
(ASTM D92)
(ASTM D92)
(ISO 3016)
Degree of corrosion (ASTM D665b)
Degree of corrosion (ASTM D130)
(ASTM D3427)
(ASTM D892) 30/0
(ASTM D1401)
Shell Tellus S2 MA10/22/46 详细说明 (浏览356次)
Industrial Detergent Hydraulic Fluid
Shell Tellus S2 MA fluids are high performance detergent based hydraulic fluids for use wher
emusifiable fluids are preferred. Using proven ashless anti-wear technology they provide
reliable performance in applications wher contamination by aqueous fluids, such as cutting
fluids, or wher cleanliness or control of solid contaminants is important.
Performance Benefits
• Protection in severe environments
The established detergent and modern ashless antiwear technology in Shell Tellus S2 MA fluids
provides extra protection in challenging
environments by:
– Preventing water accumulation
– Dispersing solid contaminants
– Preventing corrosion in presence of water
– Providing low-friction anti-wear
Outstanding anti-wear and load-carrying
properties in hydraulic and geared systems,
especially under high load and low speed
boundary lubrication conditions are demonstrated
by the high Brugger and FZG load values.
• Fluid life – Maintenance saving
Shell Tellus MA fluids have good resistance to
thermal and chemical breakdown to ensure
consistent performance and protection throughout
the fluid drain interval.
• Maintaining system efficiency
Superior cleanliness in severe environments helps
keep the hydraulic system functioning efficiently.
This is supported by excellent air release and antifoam characteristics.
In addition, Shell Tellus S2 MA provides excellent
filterability allowing the use of fine filters for extra
protection and long equipment life.
Smooth operation of the hydraulic system is
supported by the low-friction additive system that
helps reduce stick-slip behaviour under high loads
or poorly lubricated contacts.
Shell Tellus S2 MA has a minimum cleanliness of
max ISO 4406 21/19/16 class (ex Shell filling
lines) as defined by DIN 51524 specification for
extra equipment and filter protection. As
recognized by DIN 51524 specification, the oil
is exposed to various influences with transport
and storage that could effect the cleanliness
• Industrial hydraulic systems
Shell Tellus S2 MA fluids are suitable for a wide
range of industrial and manufacturing applications
– Injection moulding machines
– Electronically controlled hydraulic equipment
– Mobile equipment
– Headstocks and hydraulic controls in automatic
lathes (when a synthetic or semi-synthetic waterextendible metal working fluid is used)
wher low start up and high service temperatures
are encountered the use of Shell Tellus S2 VA 46 is
Specifications and Approvals
Shell Tellus S2 MA fluids meet the requirements of:
ISO 11158 (HM fluids)
ASTM 6158-05 (HM fluids)
Shell Tellus S2 MA fluids are approved by
Previous Name: Shell Tellus DO
Shell Irus Fluids DU46/DU68 详细说明 (浏览305次)
Shell Irus Fluids DU
High performance less flammable hydraulic fluids
Shell Irus Fluids DU are advanced, synthetic, anhydrous less flammable hydraulic
fluids based on organic esters and proven additives. These ISO Class HFDU fluids
are specially designed to provide good performance in conventional hydraulic
systems and have better fire resistance than mineral oils. They are also
biodegradable with a low ecotoxicity, and are particularly suited for use in
environmentally sensitive areas.
• Typical applications for Irus DU are to be
found in the tunnel boring, metal, mining and
glass industries. Irus Fluids can replace
mineral oils in hydraulic installations to
provide good lubrication and a higher degree
of fire resistance.
Performance Features and Benefits
• Lower flammability than mineral oils.
• Readily biodegradable - biodegraded by >60%
after 28 days when tested in OECD 301 B (CO2
evolution test).
• Low ecotoxicity - ‘not harmful’ to plants (algae),
invertebrates (Daphnia sp.) and fish; EL50/LL50
>100 mg/l when tested as water-accommodated
fractions in OECD 201, OECD 202 and OECD
• Excellent viscosity/temperature characteristics -
minimum change of viscosity with variation in
operating temperature, giving true ‘multigrade’
• Pump anti-wear protection similar to mineral
hydraulic oils.
• Low flammability maintained during the life of the
• Excellent corrosion protection.
• Compatible with most materials specified for use
with mineral oils.
Specification and Approvals
Irus DU meets the requirements of:
Classification HFDU according to ISO 6743-4
ISO 12922 Specifications for fire-resistant
hydraulic fluids - category HFDU
The European Communities Mines Safety
Commission 7th Report - Requirements for
less flammable fluids ('7th Luxembourg
Irus Fluid DU is approved by:
Eaton for Industrial and mobile hydraulic
systems according to Brochure 694
Change-over Procedure
In order to achieve maximum benefits from the
use of Irus DU, it is necessary to completely drain
all mineral oil from the hydraulic circuit prior to
filling with fresh fluid. A detailed change-over
procedure can be obtained from your Shell
Drums must be kept sealed in weatherproof
conditions, in order to prevent contamination by
water or dust.
Seal Compatibility
Irus DU are compatible with seal and paint
materials normally specified for use with mineral
oils, except those made from natural rubber.
More details are given in the attached "Typical
Physical Characteristics" table.
Advice on applications not covered in this leaflet
may be obtained from your Shell representative.
Health and Safety
Guidance on Health and Safety are available on
the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet which
can be obtained from your Shell representative.
Protect the environment
Take used oil to an authorised collection point. Do
not discharge into drains, soil or water